
The Mary E. Galvin Science and Engineering Scholars program is a selective program for STEM majors that includes a pre-matriculation online summer pre-calculus refresher course called ASCEND. During the ASCEND program, Galvin students refresh and strengthen their understanding of key precalculus concepts while also getting to know their fellow Galvin peers while working closely with upperclassmen ASCEND leaders called “Coaches”.

Once on campus, the Galvin program includes three semesters of Galvin specific courses. Galvin scholars enroll in small sections of Calculus, chemistry, and physics, depending on their major. Galvin students also enroll in additional courses called problem solving courses that are paired with their Galvin specific sections of chemistry, calculus, and physics. These problem solving courses focus on building study skills and problem solving skills in addition to providing rigorous practice on the material associated with the lecture course.