Recent Events Recap

This page provides an overview of the most recent events organized and attended by Galvin Scholars, including key highlights and outcomes. Stay updated with our latest activities and achievements, featuring events from the past year.


Students held their end of the year formal (Galvin+formal=Gormal) on Saturday, April 13th.  Scholars voted for the Greek Gods and Godesses theme.  We had over a hundred students come out for dancing, karaoke, games, and some delicious food.  Thanks to the SLC and Event Planning Committee for putting on this event for all Galvin Scholars.

Galvin Scholars Year End Event

On a gorgeous May first, Scholars were invited to the yard outside of Bond Hall for a relaxing afternoon of games, food trucks and a bouncy house.  Students could get elephant ears, lemonade, and snowcones at the food truck.  We offered tug of war, the egg on a spoon race, and a burlap sack race.  It was a relaxing start to the end of term.

Galvin Scholars Senior Brunch

The seniors were invited to Foley's on May 17th for a nice brunch and ceremony.  Parents were able to enjoy a slide show while meeting their student's friends and their families.  Professors Young and Gezelter spoke at the event.  Senior gifts and stoles were handed out to each of our Galvin Scholar Seniors.  The event was capped off with a group photo.